“Any boy or girl under the age of twenty-one is eligible for membership in the National Society of the Children of the American Revolution who is lineally descended from a man or woman who, with unfailing loyalty, rendered material aid to the cause of American Independence as a soldier, sailor, civil officer, or recognized patriot in one of the several Colonies or States, or of the United States, provided that the applicant is personally acceptable to the Society.” (Article III, National Bylaws) We also welcome friends and family members to come and participate with us as well!
Applying for Membership
The Illinois Society of the Children of the American Revolution as well as the 26 chapters in Illinois are here to assist and welcome you. It is recommended that you first find your local chapter (from the chapters page). The local membership chair can assist you with what is required and the application process.
Please download the Adobe PDF application and save it to your computer before completing the application. The National Society of the Children of the American Revolution (NSCAR) does not accept short forms. The lineage sections on page 2 and page 3 must be completed in their entirety.
A completed application must be printed, not photocopied, on one side of four sheets of white/cream 8 1/2" x 14" legal sized paper, clearly water marked 25% cotton or higher. Paper can be obtained from NSCAR Headquarters or from other sources as long as it meets the stated criteria. The application must be printed out legal size, 8 ½ by 14, in permanent black ink.